Reproductive Surgery

Reproductive surgery encompasses a range of surgical procedures aimed at addressing fertility issues, correcting anatomical abnormalities, and enhancing the chances of conception for individuals and couples facing reproductive challenges.

These surgeries can be performed on both men and women and are tailored to address specific fertility obstacles, ranging from blocked fallopian tubes and endometriosis in women to varicocele and obstructions in the male reproductive tract.

Reproductive Surgery for Women

  • Endometriosis Surgery: Laparoscopy can remove or destroy endometrial tissue growth outside the uterus, alleviating pain and enhancing fertility prospects.
  • Myomectomy: The surgical removal of uterine fibroids (myomas) can improve fertility outcomes for women affected by fibroids that distort the uterine cavity or significantly impact uterine function.
  • Hysteroscopic Surgery: This minimally invasive surgery is performed through the vagina and cervix to address intrauterine conditions such as polyps, fibroids, or septa that can affect fertility.
  • Ovarian Surgery: Procedures to address ovarian cysts or to improve ovarian function can sometimes be necessary, although they are approached with caution due to potential impacts on ovarian reserve.

Reproductive Surgery for Men

  • Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) / Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE): a procedure to collect sperms directly from the testes using one of the two methods – Aspiration (needle insertion) or Extraction (surgery).

Considerations & Risks

Reproductive surgeries, like all surgical interventions, carry risks such as infection, bleeding, and potential impacts on fertility. The decision to undergo surgery should be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the potential benefits and risks, considering factors like age, overall health, specific fertility issues, and future family planning goals.

Success Rates & Outcomes

Success rates for reproductive surgeries vary widely based on the type of procedure, the underlying fertility issue being addressed, and individual patient factors. 

It is important for patients to have realistic expectations and understand that surgery may be one step in the fertility treatment journey, which could also include Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) like IVF.

Reproductive surgery offers vital options for addressing structural and functional fertility issues, potentially enabling couples to conceive naturally or improving the outcomes of ART treatments. A multidisciplinary approach involving reproductive endocrinologists, urologists, and surgeons specialised in fertility is essential for assessing the need for surgery, selecting the appropriate procedure, and managing post-operative care to optimise fertility outcomes.

Get in touch with our friendly team.

Dr Genia Rozen is a Melbourne gynaecologist and fertility specialist with 10+ years of experience dedicated to fertility medicine.

She holds a PhD in fertility after cancer treatment, and a Masters of Reproductive Medicine (MRMED) degree. She undertook three years of sub-specialising training in Fertility and Reproductive Medicine at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne as is affiliated with Genea Fertility, who are recognised leaders in advanced reproductive laboratory services.

Please get in touch if you have a question or wish to book an appointment.